Chop Chop Poem by Vizma Bruns

The stunning opening to the Shotpo Gallery has confirmed that Minxus has a long standing interest in all forms of poetry.

Here is a fine example of reshuffled text by Vizma Bruns. Enjoy!

Girl! Girl! You in the red dress!

Looks like a lady, talks like a camp follower,

I heard you the first time

Don’t your Voices tell you what to do?

Ten thousand she-devils fly away with you!

How long will that take?

Didn’t they teach you anything

I want to know what happens next

The rose garden is on the far side of the orchard,

Now, what do you say to that?

Perhaps we could come to an arrangement,

Does it matter,

I told you I was going to sleep

E – Ambassador of Utopia (Guivry, France), M.O.T.M. (Member of the Order of the Tangerine Mink) Issues New Stamps


Stamps for Rebecca Guyver (Suffolk, UK) by E- Ambassador of Utopia, M.O.T.M.


Stamps for Carina Granlund (Petsmo, Finland) by E- Ambassador of Utopia, M.O.T.M.


Stamps for Vizma Bruns (Waitpinga, Australia) by E- Ambassador of Utopia, M.O.T.M.


Stamps for Empress Marie (Saitama, Japan) by E- Ambassador of Utopia, M.O.T.M.


Stamps for the Mink Ranch (Auburn, NY, USA) by E- Ambassador of Utopia, M.O.T.M.

You are cordially invited to visit the distinguished Ambassador:

Documentation (Part II): MinXus-Lynxus Shooting Gallery Project with Ficus strangulensis (West Virginia, USA)

Ficus strangulensis “Shotpo” composition using target-formatted lexicon page by Empress Marie Antonette (Japan). Photo courtesy of MinXus USA Archives


Original target-formatted lexicon page by Empress Marie. Photo courtesy of Ficus strangulensis


Target revealing shotpo prosody and composition deep structure. Photo courtesy of Ficus strangulensis


DVS structural analysis of Shotpo


Structural analysis cont.


Structural analysis cont.


Structural analysis cont.

For more information about the MinXus-Lynxus Shooting Gallery Project with Ficus strangulensis, make sure to visit:


Documentation (Part I): MinXus-Lynxus Shooting Gallery Project with Ficus strangulensis (West Virginia, USA)

“Shotpo” by Ficus strangulensis (West Virginia, USA) using visual poem by Empress Marie Antonette (aka – Marie Wintzer, Japan)

The MinXus-Lynxus Shooting Gallery Project has been completed with the return of “Shotpo” compositions from Ficus strangulensis to MinXus USA, Overlook Hotel. We believe the results are stunning and represent the completion of a successful experiment that has great implications for artists and writers.

We sent Ficus work by Empress Marie, Trashpo by Diane Keys (Elgin, Illinois, USA), and a William Shakespeare sonnet target-formatted for precision text editing and spontaneous holistic composition.

Documentation and analysis will be covered in a series of blogs. The piece above shows a beautiful action-art, Holism-based reworking of Empress Marie’s classic visual poem. The pieces returned show a consistent energy field form of composition with areas of high density hole concentration. Targets reveal highly organic Shotpo prosody structures:

Photo courtesy of Ficus strangulensis

Original visual poem by Empress Marie:

Courtesy of MinXus-Lynxus USA Archives

The Ficus strangulensis method of spontaneous composition produced a highly refined Holism:

Detail shot courtesy of Ficus strangulensis – distortion and page trauma are only evident upon close inspection

Closer detail reveals more about hole structure, distortion and penetration damage. Photo courtesy of Ficus strangulensis

Ficus strangulensis Shotpo re-composition/de-signification of classic visual poem by Empress Marie

Target detail showing compound hole prosody. Courtesy of Ficus strangulensis

Shotpo-etics. Photo courtesy of Ficus strangulensis.

Detail courtesy of Ficus strangulensis

For more information about the MinXus-Lynxus Shooting Gallery Project with Ficus strangulensis, make sure to visit:


Mini Asemic / Lexicon Poem in Two Parts for Dark wall

Moan Lisa Issues Incoherent Anti-MinXus Manifestos on Google Pus

The work of kultur terrorist Moan Lisa is Anti-MinXus Propoganda.

Incoherent Moan Lisa Anti-MinXus Propoganda #1

Incoherent Moan Lisa Anti-MinXus Propoganda #2

Incoherent Mona Lisa Anti-MinXus Propoganda #3

Incoherent  Moan Lisa Anti-MinXus Propoganda #4


Dean Marks throws a punch and makes Holism history

We were in for a great surprise the other day at the Manoir when we received this wonderful book from our favorite Artiste en Seine, sent in good Dean Marks tradition without an envelope, of course.

Dean is the first one to send something back for the hole mail art call. The piece of paper I have sent him for his hole homework was a picture of a sardine with apple taken from an old Japanese magazine. Making one hole was not good enough for Dean so he went and made a whole book out of it! This is much more than I could have wished for and provides the perfect opening to the Catalog of Holism.

So in Paris one can find Holism Punches at the market? What a dream of a city…

On the edge

Hart 2 Hart

32mm Drill

Note this

Flour 2 bred

Romantic Candle (my personal favorite)

Binding hole with hole punch (this was the original picture)

Due Drops

Drag Gone Flies

Cherry Cherry

Pin Code

Edge, but no Hole

Close, but no Hole

Catalog of Holism… we are not on the same page. Oh yes we are! We are on both sides of the same page and I can see you through the hole in it.
Dean, thanks a million for sending this wonderful book!!

MinXus Mail Bag: Carina Granlund (Petsmo, Finland) Confides in Mink Rancher

Mail-art by Carina Granlund (Petsmo, Finland)

Recently, on an unseasonably warm and sunny day, Mink Rancher was the object of everyone’s envy.

He opened an envelope at mail call and displayed the stunning work above from Miss Carina in Finland to all in attendance on the parade ground (and mail call is the most popular event of the day). The beautiful yellow hue of the work will always be a reminder of the near-perfect day when it arrived on the ranch.

The quote is curious but somehow uncannily appropriate. We were inspired to do a search for an example of an antique Turkish Kilim rug for they are indeed things of great beauty:

Antique Kilim Carpet

Miss Carina also sent a message of no little interest, which we share with you here:

Dear Mink Rancher,

Glad to hear from you – sad to hear about the dry creek though. Hope the minks still are alive? When my father was a young man his dream was to be a mink rancher. It did not happen.

– Carina

How deeply touching that Miss Carina enquired about the minks. The good news for Carina and all the tenderfoots is that the drought was short-lived and the end of August brought renewing rain. Dry Creek, which indeed had slowed to a trickle, was replenished. Under Dark wall’s watchful eye, the minks enjoyed many warm days at the creek, sunning among the rocks on Mink Island. Not one was lost.

What a sad tale of a dream deferred and then abandoned! At last we put pieces together: Miss Carina’s father dreamed of being a mink rancher and surely it is that desire, instilled in her at such an early age, that has led her to be such a faithful correspondent with so much interest in the ranch and its inhabitants.

Miss Carina, Mink Rancher is preparing a missive for you meant to console and also relate the hardships of life on a mink ranch and the pressures of its management. Many dream of being a Mink Rancher, but in truth it is a hard life.

Many thanks Carina. We look forward to many more exchanges.

And make sure to visit:

Dark wall’s “A Door Underground” – asemic poetry, visual poetry. concrete poetry

“A Door Underground”

Collage foundation for “A Door Underground”

MinXus Mail Bag: Mr. Richard Canard Sends a Didactic Missive from the Sunny South (Thomasville, North Carolina, USA)

Mail-art by Mr. Richard Canard (Thomasville, North Carolina, USA)

Our MinXus moms always told us we would be judged by the company we kept.

We want to believe this is not the reason why we continue to cultivate an esteemed personage such as Mr. Richard Canard on the Mink Ranch. We genuinely like him and appreciate his wisdom. We appreciate his efforts to encourage this generation of young ladies to turn their energies to the art of correspondence rather than other pursuits that are far less desirable but always a temptation.

(Did we mention Mr. Canard was a close associate of the late and distinguished Mr. Ray Johnson?)

We are completely sympathetic with Mr. Canard concerning all his pursuits. We dismiss as a bit of silliness all those allegations several years ago about individuals who were selling fake Ray Johnsons on ebay. Clearly egg remains on the faces of individuals having no knowledge of conceptual art or greedy collectors believing they were gaining an edge getting something for nothing. Would not the late Mr. Johnson have far more preferred receiving nothing for something with all its symbolic attachments?

Yes, Poor Richard. We are dancing as fast as we can.

We look forward to more lively exchanges with Mr. Canard.

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