A profuse, lovely & deeply appreciated thank you from Ms. Rebecca Guyver (Ringshall, Suffolk, UK)

Some time ago, MinXus-Lynxus USA received a wonderful vis-po card from our dear friend and sometimes collaborator Rebecca Guyver in the UK.  This is a gem for the archives.

Rebecca contributed a chapter to one of the editions in the collaborative visual poetry book project (coordinated by Cheryl Penn in South Africa), her first foray into this genre. MinXus-Lynxus endorses this review of Rebecca’s work:


As the image above indicates, building upon her considerable talents as an artist and commiting herself to a crash course in text-image composition, Rebecca has emerged as a visual poet who holds her own with even the most formidable company.

MinXus-Lynxus, of course, emphasizes the art of correspondence:

This is correspondence art at its best. We also, of course, are always glad when the work of De Villo Sloan is acknowledged for its brilliance and influence upon so many. We are fans too.

Rebecca Guyver will be in the USA this summer and is hosting an exhibition that seems very much in the spirit of the MinXus Solar Festival. Drop her a line!


Make sure to visit Rebecca Guyver’s blog too:


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